Frequently asked questions
who makes your products?
We are a small company, committed to providing premium quality products. All of the microdose blends have been carefully formulated by medically trained herbalists and naturopathic physicians. We have been formulating microdosing products and supporting clients to work with these medicines successfully for over a decade! We are located on the beautiful Vancouver Island in BC, Canada.
where/how are the mushrooms grown?
All of our mushrooms are grown in small batches here on Vancouver Island, where quality is of top priority. All of our mushrooms are grown organically and gently harvested at the optimal time. They are then carefully dehydrated at room temperature to ensure none of the active constituents are denatured through overheating, thus maintaining a full potency product.
how much is in each capsule?
Each capsule is filled with 500mg of medicinal ingredients, ensuring that you are getting a physiological dose of botanical medicine with your microdose of psilocybin. When comparing products, pay attention to the amount of product in each capsule. It's not uncommon for some competitor products to have as little as 100mg of product in their capsules, use fillers, or use ground herb material. In order to achieve a physiological dose and thus the marketed benefits of a botanical (such as the neuro-generative and cognitive enhancing effects of Lion’s Mane) an extract of the material is needed. The organic 10:1 dual extracts of our fungi and botanicals provide the physiological benefits of each ingredient within a single capsule.
what are the benefits of microdosing?
People experience different effects, but many of the common benefits include:
~ reduced anxiety and depression
~ stabilized mood
~ enhanced creativity
~ regeneration of visual and auditory neurons
~ reduced irritability
~ relief from PTSD symptoms
~ reduced incidence of neuropathy
~ increased ability to socialize, empathize, and feel courageous
~ mediated effects of aging on the brain
~ enhanced self-awareness
~ greater sense of interconnection
Review each of our products to determine which has the optimal blend for your needs.
what dosage should i choose?
Each individual’s sensitivity to the medicine is different. If you consider yourself sensitive to other substances (such as coffee, cannabis, alcohol etc.) it is recommended to start at the lowest dose 50mg. If the 50mg dosage isn’t noticeable, you can increase your dose slowly until you find your sweet spot. If you are taking medications that bind to serotonin receptors, you will most likely need a higher dose to achieve noticeable effects. Individuals who are very cognitive orientated and controlled, also often need a higher dose (200mg) to achieve desired effects. On average, most people report that 100mg is their ideal dose.
The strength of the medicine is increased when taken on an empty stomach, and when the capsule is opened and the powder is mixed into beverage. If you find yourself sensitive to the effects of the medicine, it is recommended to take after a meal.
If you are new to micro dosing and have any questions or concerns, we recommend that you book a consultation with our practitioners.
how do i take the capsules?
Start by taking one capsule daily with intention in the morning before food. We encourage that you spend at least 10 minutes in mindfulness after taking the medicine. If you can be outside with your feet on the Earth, even better! Formulating an intention is an important part of the microdosing process, as it guides the experience.
We recommended taking your first microdose on a day where you do not have many responsibilities, to allow yourself to explore the effects in a comfortable environment.
finding your protocol
If you are new to microdosing, we recommend starting with schedule of 5 days of microdosing, and 2 days break for the first month. This allows you to have a full sense of the experience. Thereafter, you are welcome to adjust your dosage protocol intuitively.
why work with intention
It is important to formulate an intention before microdosing. Is your intention to improve your mood? Increase focus? Deepen connection with self and others? Unlike synthetic substances, fungi and botanical medicines have a large number of chemical constituents. As humans, we have evolved alongside plants and fungi, and therefore have receptor sites for many different constituents. The plants and fungi are innately intelligent, and work in collaboration with the intelligence of our bodies. When we formulate an intention, we can direct the medicine to the places and parts of ourselves that are ready to receive healing, clarity and transformation. Microdosing is supportive for re-patterning and reprogramming neural pathways. When we work with intention and bring awareness to our patterns, conditions, traumas and parts of self, we are allowing shifts of perception to occur and inviting positive change.
For a deeper experience, we recommend having a microdose journal. Write you intention down in the journal each day, and try reflect upon your intention throughout the day. The key is to enhance awareness! At the end of the day, we recommend writing down any thoughts, reflections and feelings that arose during the day for you.
what is a flow state?
Microdosing psilocybin can help one attain a “flow state”. A flow state is when you become present and connected with a task or state of being, and it seems to effortlessly flow with ease.
Studies have shown that psilocybin causes brain waves to shift towards alpha oscillations and increase levels of serotonin (both seen in flow states). Psylocibin mushrooms have the ability to quiet the default mode network (DMN). The default mode network has been found to be particularly overactive in certain mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, obsessive disorders and trauma states. When you take psilocybin, activity with in the DMN is decreased, while the connectivity in the rest of the brain increases. This shift has particularly strong therapeutic potential, as it allows individuals the opportunity to change negative thought patterns.
what if i feel anxious, tired, etc after taking a microdose?
The medicine of psilocybin helps to uncover and reveal patterns, conditions and ways of being that are not in alignment with our greatest good, enabling them to be witnessed and transformed. If unproductive thoughts, patterns or sensations arise, we invite you to sit with those feelings within yourself with compassion and curiosity. For example, if you feel tired after taking a microdose, ask your body, “does my body need to rest?” Allow yourself to notice the subtle sensations within. Perhaps, the medicine is revealing to you that your body has been operating in sympathetic mode (flight or fight), and that is the root of feel anxious.
If you feel anxious after taking a microdose, we invite you to take a few deep, full breaths; then allow yourself journey into the feelings within your body. Where is the anxiety showing up for you in your body? How does it feel? Observe these sensations without judgement, and ask your body what message it is trying to convey to you.